


Publications & Presentations

Watershed Function SFA Partnership: East River Use Case


  • Rathore, S.S., ET Coon and SL Painter. A Stream-aligned Mixed Polyhedral Meshing Strategy for Integrated Surface-Subsurface Hydrological Models. Computers and Geosciences https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cageo.2024.105617, 2024
  • Sulman, Benjamin N., Jiaze Wang, Sophie LaFond-Hudson, Theresa A. O’Meara, Fengming Yuan, Sergi Molins, Glenn Hammond, Inke Forbrich, Zoe G. Cardon, and Anne Giblin, Integrating tide-driven wetland soil redox and biogeochemical interactions into a land surface model, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, doi:10.1029/2023MS004002, 2024
  • GE Schwartz, KA Muller, SS Rathore, RL Wilpiszeski, AA Carrell, MA Cregger, et al.. Incorporating concentration-dependent sediment microbial activity into methylmercury production kinetics modeling. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts. 24, 1392-1405. https://doi.org/10.1039/D1EM00287B, 2022
  • Dwivedi, D., Steefel, C. I., Arora, B., Banfield, J., Bargar, J., Boyanov, M. I., Painter, S. L. et al. From legacy contamination to watershed systems science: a review of scientific insights and technologies developed through DOE-supported research in water and energy security. Environ. Res. Lett. 17 043004. DOI https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ac59a9, 2022
  • Xu, Z., Molins, S., Özgen-Xian, I., Dwivedi, D., Svyatsky, D., Moulton, J. D., & Steefel, C. Understanding the hydrogeochemical response of a mountainous watershed using integrated surface-subsurface flow and reactive transport modeling. Water Resources Research, 58, e2022WR032075. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022WR032075, 2022
  • Molins, S., Svyatsky, D., Xu, Z., Coon, E. T., & Moulton, J. D. A multicomponent reactive transport model for integrated surface-subsurface hydrology problems. Water Resources Research, 58, e2022WR032074. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022WR032074, 2022
  • Ilhan Özgen Xian, Sergi Molins, Rachel M. Johnson, et al. The role of surface–subsurface interactions in the distributed hydrological response of a headwater-dominated catchment. Authorea. https://doi.org/10.22541/au.164606228.88932265/v1, February 28, 2022.
  • Xu, Z., Molins, S., Özgen-Xian, I., Dwivedi, D., Svyatsky, D., Moulton, J. D., & Steefel, C. Understanding the hydrogeochemical response of a mountainous watershed using integrated surface-subsurface flow and reactive transport modeling. Water Resources Research, 58, e2022WR032075. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022WR032075, 2022
  • Özgen-Xian, I., Navas-Montilla, A., Dwivedi, D., and Molins, S. Hyperbolic Reformulation Approach to Enable Efficient Simulation of Groundwater Flow and Reactive Transport. Environmental Engineering Science, 38(3), 181–191. https://doi.org/10.1089/ees.2020.0363, 2021
  • Özgen-Xian, I., Kesserwani, G., Caviedes-Voullième, D., Molins, S., Xu, Z., Dwivedi, D., Moulton, J.D., and Steefel, C.I. Wavelet-based local mesh refinement for rainfall-runoff simulations. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 22(5): 1059–1077. https://doi.org/10.2166/hydro.2020.198, 2020
  • Molins, S., and Knabner, P. Multiscale Approaches in Reactive Transport Modeling. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 85(1), 27–48. https://doi.org/10.2138/rmg.2019.85.2, 2019
  • Dwivedi, D., Steefel, C. I., Arora, B., Newcomer, M., Moulton, J. D., Dafflon, B., et al. Geochemical Exports to River From the Intrameander Hyporheic Zone Under Transient Hydrologic Conditions: East River Mountainous Watershed, Colorado. Water Resources Research, 54(10), 8456–8477. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018WR023377, 2018


  • Xu Z., S. Molins, D. Dwivedi, et al. Simulating nitrogen processes in a mountainous watershed using an integrated hydrology and reactive transport model, AGU Fall Meeting, H44F-02, 2022.
  • Molins S., D. Svyatskiy, E. Coon, Z. Xu, and D. Moulton (Invited) Modeling Reactive Transport across the Surface-Subsurface Interface, SIAM Geosciences 2021.
  • Özgen-Xian, I., Caviedes-Voullieme, D., Crompton, O., Morales-Hernandez, M., Dwivedi, D., Xu, Z., Molins S., Steefel, C.I. Overland flow connectivity states in Lower Triangle Region, East River, Colorado, AGU Fall Meeting, H215–0012, 2020.
  • Molins, S., Svyatskiy, D., Xu, Z., and Moulton, J. D.. A reactive transport model for integrated surface-subsurface hydrology, AGU Fall Meeting, H112–0019, 2020.
  • Brodie, E., King, E., Marschmann, G., Karaoz, U., Molins, S., and Steefel, C. I. Exploring The Relationship Between Biological Complexity, Spatial Heterogeneity and Process Rates In A Genome-informed Reactive Transport Model, AGU Fall Meeting, H112–0019.B078–0010, 2020.
  • Ozgen-Xian, I, et al, Meshing workflows for multiscale hydrological simulations, Modflow and More 2019, Golden CO, June 5, 2019.
  • Molins, S et al, Alquimia: an application programming interface for geochemical codes- Development and application, Modflow and More 2019, Golden CO, June 5, 2019.
  • Ozgen-Xian, I. et al, Meshing workflows for multiscale hydrological simulations: Wavelet-based approach improves model accuracy, AGU Fall meeting abstract H13L-1881, San Francisco, CA, 2019.
  • Xu, Z. et al, Understanding integrated hydrology and geochemistry processes in a mountainous watershed using the Advanced Terrestrial Simulator (ATS), AGU Fall meeting abstract H21J-1882, San Francisco, CA, 2019.

Watershed Dynamics and Evolution (WaDE) SFA Partnership


  • Le, P.V.V., SS Rathore, ET Coon, A Ward, R Haggerty, and SL Painter. Hydrologic Connectivity and Stream Solute Transport: Insights from a Long-term Tracer Test and Multiscale Transport Modeling Informed by Machine Learning. Water Resources Research (2024) in press
  • Le, PVV, SS Rathore, SL Painter, A multiscale model for solute transport in stream corridors with unsteady flow. Journal of Hydrology, 622: 129670. (2023) DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.129670, 2023
  • SS Rathore, GE Schwartz, SC Brooks, & SL Painter. Joint estimation of biogeochemical model parameters from multiple experiments: A bayesian approach applied to mercury methylation. Environmental Modelling & Software, 155, 105453. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1364815222001591, 2022
  • Jan, A., Coon, E. T., and Painter, S. L. Toward more mechanistic representations of biogeochemical processes in river networks: Implementation and demonstration of a multiscale model. Environmental Modelling & Software, 145, 105166. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2021.105166, 2021
  • Painter, S.L. On the Representation of Hyporheic Exchange in Models for Reactive Transport in Stream and River Corridors. Frontiers in Water, 2, 69. https://doi.org/10.3389/frwa.2020.595538, 2021
  • Rathore, S.S., Jan, A., Coon, E.T. and Painter, S.L. On the reliability of parameter inferences in a multiscale model for transport in stream corridors. Water Resources Research, 57(5), e2020WR028908. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020WR028908, 2021


  • PV Le, SS Rathore, and SL Painter. A multiscale model for representing transport in river basins with unsteady flow. AGU Fall Meeting 2022.
  • PS Becker, SL Paiinter, and SS Rathore. Where and when is including underflow important for representing denitrification in the hyporheic zone? AGU Fall Meeting 2022.
  • S Rathore and SL Painter. Improving the Representation of the Hydro-biogeochemical Function of Stream Corridors Using Observation-informed Multiscale Modeling. Invited, AGU Fall Meeting 2021.
  • X Chen, P Shuai, K Son, P Jiang, MK Mudunuru, E Coon, SL Painter. What can we learn from multiple watershed models and observations? AGU Fall Meeting 2021.
  • Baatz, Roland, Ana Maria Tarquis, Anne Verhoef, Scott L. Painter, Umakant Mishra, Jiri Simunek, Jan Vanderborght et al. The International Soil Modeling Consortium (ISMC)-New Opportunities for Advancing Data and Modeling of Soil Systems. AGU Fall Meeting 2021.
  • Rathore, S. et al. Improving parameter inferences in a multiscale model for transport in stream corridors. AGU Fall Meeting abstract H174-09, San Francisco, CA, 2020.
  • S. L. Painter (2021) On the Representation of Hyporheic Exchange in Models for Reactive Transport in Stream and River Corridors. Frontiers in Water, 2:595538, https://doi.org/10.3389/frwa.2020.595538, 2021
  • Painter, S.L. et al. Managing complexity in multiscale hydrology simulations: Three examples using the Advanced Terrestrial Simulator, Modflow and More 2019, Golden CO, June 5, 2019.
  • Painter, S.L. et al. IDEAS-Watersheds Partnership with the Critical Interfaces SFA: Progress and Plans. In: DOE ESS PI Meeting. Potomac, MD: Poster, 2019.
  • Painter, S.L. et al. Strategies for improving model interoperability and reuse: Successes and lessons learned from DOE’s IDEAS-Watersheds project. In: Workshop to envision a terrestrial modeling system to encode and formalize the knowledge from Water, Sustainability and Climate (WSC) and Innovation at the Nexus of Food, Energy and Water Systems (INFEWS) Projects. Chapel Hill, NC: Presentation, 2019.

River Corridor SFA Partnership: Columbia River Use Case


  • Jianqiu Zheng, Timothy D. Scheibe, Kristin Boye, Hyun-Seob Song, Thermodynamic control on the decomposition of organic matter across different electron acceptors, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Volume 193, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2024.109364, 2024
  • Veeramani M, Kharel S, McCullough HC, Chen X, Zheng J, Stegen JC, Scheibe TD, Song HS (2024) LambdaPy and LambdaR: Thermodynamics-Based Biogeochemical Reaction Modeling Packages for Integrating High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Data, Modeling the Microbiome, edited by Raman K and Sambamoorthy G, Lab Protocol Series: Methods in Molecular Biology, Springer Nature, In press
  • Hammond GE. The PFLOTRAN reaction sandbox. Geoscientific Model Development, 15(4). 1659–1676. https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-15-1659-2022, 2022
  • Jiang P., X. Chen, K. Chen, J. Anderson, N. Collins, T. Hoar, and M. Gharamti. “DART-PFLOTRAN: An Ensemble-based Data Assimilation System for Estimating Subsurface Flow and Transport Model Parameters.” Environmental Modeling & Software, 142, doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2021.105074, 2021
  • Wu, R., Chen, X., Hammond, G., Bisht, G., Song, X., Huang, M., Niu, G.Y. and Ferre, T. Coupling Surface Flow with High-performance Subsurface Reactive Flow and Transport Code PFLOTRAN. Environmental Modeling & Software, 137, 104959. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2021.104959, 2021
  • Song, H.S., Stegen, J.C., Graham, E.B., Lee, J.Y., Garayburu-Caruso, V.A., Nelson, W.C., Chen, X., Moulton, J.D. and Scheibe, T.D. Representing Organic Matter Thermodynamics in Biogeochemical Reactions via Substrate-Explicit Modeling. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2625. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2020.531756, 2020


  • Zhi L., P. Shuai, and X. Chen. Evaluating the transport of wildfire-induced pyrogenic nutrients in a grassland-shrub dominant watershed using a high-res numerical model. AGU Fall Meeting. Online, 2022.
  • Muller K., R. K. Kukkadapu, X. Chen, N. D. Ward, M. Bowe, R. K. Chu and Q. Zhao. Incorporating Colloidal Size Fractions and Organic Carbon Compound Classes into Biogeochemical models. AGU Fall Meeting, 2022.
  • Chen X., K. Son, P. Shuai, Y. Fang, P. Jiang, and J.D. Gomez Velez. Integrated Modeling of Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in River Corridors and Watersheds. Biennial UF Water Institute Symposium, Tallahassee, Florida. Presented Online, 2022.
  • Chen X., P. Shuai, K. Son, P. Jiang, M. Mudunuru, E. Coon, and S.L. Painter. What Can We Learn from Multiple Watershed Models and Observations? AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, presented online, 2021.
  • Song X., G.E. Hammond, P. Shuai, X. Chen, and T.D. Scheibe. Simulate Surface Water-groundwater Exchange using High-Performance Particle Tracking. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, presented online, 2021.
  • Hyun-Seob Song , Christopher Henry , Joon-Yong Lee , William C Nelson , Janaka Edirisinghe, Jianqiu Zheng , John D Moulton , Xingyuan Chen , Emily Bonnell Graham , James Stegen and Timothy D Scheibe. Machine Learning-based Metabolic Network Modeling for Omics-integrated Biogeochemical and Reactive Transport Simulations. AGU Fall Meeting, Online, USA, 2020.
  • Jiang P., X. Chen, K. Chen, J. Anderson, N. Collins, T. Hoar, and M. Gharamti. Using Information Flow for Whole System Understanding from Component Dynamics. AGU Fall Meeting, Online, United States, 2020.
  • Song HS, Nelson WC, Lee JY, Henry CS, Edirisinghe JN, Liu F, Stegen JC, Graham EB, Wrighton K, Chen K, Song X, Zheng J, Hammond G, Moulton D, Chen X, and Scheibe T (oral talk). Multiomics-based Metabolic Network Reconstruction and Pathway Analysis for Predictive Biogeochemical Modeling, Metabolic Pathway Analysis, Riga, Latvia, August 12 – 16, 2019.
  • Song HS, Nelson WC, Lee JY, Henry CS, Edirisinghe JN, Liu F, Stegen JC, Graham EB, Solden L, Borton M, Wrighton K, Chen K, Song X, Zheng J, Hammond G, Moulton D, Chen X, and Scheibe T (invited talk). Microbial Metabolic Network and Multi-omics Integration for Biogeochemical and Reactive Transport Modeling, MODFLOW and More 2019, Golden, Colorado, June 2 – 5, 2019.
  • Song HS, Nelson WC, Lee JY, Henry CS, Edirisinghe J, Liu F, Stegen J, Graham E, Zheng J, Moulton D, Chen X and Scheibe T (poster). Metabolic Network and Multi-omics Integration for Predictive Biogeochemical Modeling, Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting, Potomac, MD, April 29 – May 1, 2019.
  • Song HS (invited talk). Metabolic network modeling for predicting condition-specific reaction pathways in environmental systems, Genomic Sciences Program Annual Principal Investigator (PI) Meeting, Tysons, VA, February 25 – 27, 2019.
  • Chen, K., X. Chen, X. Song, G. Hammond, P. Shuai, and J.M. Zachara. Using Ensemble Data Assimilation to Estimate Transient Hydrologic Exchange Fluxes under Highly Dynamic Flow Conditions. In: MODFLOW and More. Golden, CO, 2019.
  • Chen, Kewei, Xingyuan Chen, Xuehang Song, Hongbin Zhan, and Pin Shuai (poster). Using Ensemble Data Assimilation to Estimate Long-term Hydrologic Exchange Fluxes under Highly Dynamic Condition. In: 12th Washington Hydrogeology Symposium. Tacoma, WA, 2019.
  • Chen, X., P. Shuai, H. Dai, X. Song, T.D. Scheibe, J.C. Stegen, and M. Huang (presentation). ModEx for Advancing River Corridor Science Along the Hanford Reach. In: DOE ESS PI Meeting. Potomac, MD, 2019.
  • Chen, X, P Shuai, X Song, G Hammond, and J Zachara. Impact of Dam-Induced Flow Variations on Hydrologic Exchange, Thermal Regimes and Biogeochemical Function in River Corridors. In: Goldschmidt. Barcelona, 2019.
  • Chen, Xingyuan, Heng Dai, Ming Ye, Xuehang Song, Glenn Hammond, Bill Hu, and John M. Zachara. A Bayesian Network based Sensitivity Analysis for Complex Biogeochemical Models. In: MODFLOW and More. Golden, CO, 2019.

Continental Modeling Platform and Simulations


  • Steyaert, J.C., Condon, L.E., WD Turner, S. and Voisin, N. ResOpsUS, a dataset of historical reservoir operations in the contiguous United States. Scientific Data, 9(1), 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-022-01134-7, 2022
  • Tran, H., Zhang, J., O’Neill, M.M., Ryken, A., Condon, L.E. and Maxwell, R.M. A hydrological simulation dataset of the Upper Colorado River Basin from 1983 to 2019. Scientific Data, 9(1), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.16632454, 2022
  • O’Neill, M. M., Tijerina, D. T., Condon, L. E. and Maxwell, R. M. Assessment of the ParFlow–CLM CONUS 1.0 integrated hydrologic model: evaluation of hyper-resolution water balance components across the contiguous United States. Geoscientific Model Development, 14(12), 7223-7254. https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-14-7223-2021, 2021.
  • Tijerina, D., Condon, L., FitzGerald, K., Dugger, A., O’Neill, M.M., Sampson, K., Gochis, D. and Maxwell, R. Continental Hydrologic Intercomparison Project, Phase 1: A Large‐Scale Hydrologic Model Comparison Over the Continental United States. Water Resources Research, 57(7), e2020WR028931. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020WR028931, 2021
  • Turner, S.W., Steyaert, J.C., Condon, L. and Voisin, N. Water storage and release policies for all large reservoirs of conterminous United States. Journal of Hydrology, 603, 126843. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126843, 2021
  • Yang, C., Zhang, Y.K., Liang, X., Olschanowsky, C., Yang, X. and Maxwell, R. Accelerating the Lagrangian particle tracking of residence time distributions and source water mixing towards large scales. Computers and Geosciences, 151, 104760, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cageo.2021.104760, 2021
  • Zhang, J., L.E. Condon, H. Tran and R.M. Maxwell. A national topographic dataset for hydrologic modeling over the contiguous United States, Earth Systems Science Data. 13(7):3263-3279. https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-13-3263-2021, 2021
  • Chen, X., Lee, R.M., Dwivedi, D., Son, K., Fang, Y., Zhang, X., Graham, E., Stegen, J., Fisher, J.B., Moulton, D. and Scheibe, T.D. Integrating Field Observations and Process-based Modeling to Predict Watershed Water Quality under Environmental Perturbations. Journal of Hydrology, 602, 125762. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125762, 2020
  • Condon, L.E., Atchley, A.L. and Maxwell, R.M. Evapotranspiration depletes groundwater under warming over the contiguous United States. Nature Communications, 11(1), 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-14688-0, 2020
  • Condon, L. E., Kollet, S., Bierkens, M. F. P., Fogg, G. E., Maxwell, R. M., Hill, M. C., Fransen, H.-J. H., Verhoef, A., Van Loon, A. F., Sulis, M., and Abesser, C. Global groundwater modeling and monitoring: Opportunities and challenges. Water Resources Research, 57: e2020WR029500, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020WR029500, 2021
  • de Graaf, I., Condon, L. and Maxwell, R. Hyper-resolution continental-scale 3D-aquifer parameterization for groundwater modeling, Water Resources Research, 56(5), e2019WR026004, https://doi.org/10.1029/2019WR026004, 2020
  • Forrester, M. M., and Maxwell, R. M. Impact of Lateral Groundwater Flow and Subsurface Lower Boundary Conditions on Atmospheric Boundary Layer Development over Complex Terrain. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 21(6), 1133-1160. https://doi.org/10.1175/JHM-D-19-0029.1, 2020
  • Kuffour, B.N.O., Engdahl, N.B., Woodward, C.S., Condon, L.E., Kollet, S.J. and Maxwell, R.M. Simulating coupled surface-subsurface flows with ParFlow v3.5.0: capabilities, applications, and ongoing development of an open-source, massively parallel, integrated hydrologic model. Geoscientific Model Development, 13(3), 1373-1397. https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-13-1373-2020, 2020
  • Maxwell, R.M. Water colour and climate. Nature Climate Change, 10(2), 102-103. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-019-0683-6, 2020
  • O'Neill, M. M. F., Tijerina, D. T., Condon, L. E., and Maxwell, R. M. Assessment of the ParFlow-CLM CONUS 1.0 integrated hydrologic model: Evaluation of hyper-resolution water balance components across the contiguous United States. Geoscientific Model Development, 14(12), 7223-7254. https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-2020-364, 2020
  • Tran, H., Zhang, J., Cohard, J.M., Condon, L.E. and Maxwell, R.M. Simulating groundwater-streamflow connections in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Groundwater, 58(3), 392-405. https://doi.org/10.1111/gwat.13000, 2020
  • Yang, C., Li, H.Y., Fang, Y., Cui, C., Wang, T., Zheng, C., Leung, L.R., Maxwell, R.M., Zhang, Y.K. and Yang, X. Effects of groundwater pumping on ground surface temperature: A regional modeling study in the North China Plain. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125(9), e2019JD031764. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JD031764, 2020
  • Condon, L.E. and Maxwell, R.M. Simulating the sensitivity of evapotranspiration and streamflow to large-scale groundwater depletion. Science Advances 5(6), eaav4574. https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.aav4574, 2019
  • Condon, L.E. and Maxwell, R.M. Modified priority flood and global slope enforcement algorithm for topographic processing in physically based hydrologic modeling applications. Computers & Geosciences, 126, 73-83. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cageo.2019.01.020, 2019
  • Hein, A., Condon, L. and Maxwell, R. Evaluating the relative importance of precipitation, temperature and land-cover change in the hydrologic response to extreme meteorological drought conditions over the North American High Plains. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 23(4), 1931-1950. https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-23-1931-2019, 2019
  • Maxwell, R.M., Condon, L.E., Danesh‐Yazdi, M. and Bearup, L.A. Exploring source water mixing and transient residence time distributions of outflow and evapotranspiration with an integrated hydrologic model and Lagrangian particle tracking approach. Ecohydrology, 12(1), e2042. https://doi.org/10.1002/eco.2042, 2019


  • Condon, LE. Lessons Learned Building a National Platform for Physically Rigorous Machine Learning and Hydrologic Simulation Across the US. AGU Fall Meeting, 2022.
  • West, B and LE Condon. Implementing Reservoir Operations in ParFlow, a Fully Integrated Physical Hydrology Model. AGU Fall Meeting, 2022.
  • Condon LE and Maxwell RM. Exploring Connections Between Shallow Groundwater and Evapotranspiration Across the US Using Integrated Hydrologic Models. AGU Fall Meeting, 2022.
  • Yang C and Maxwell RM. On regional groundwater flow systems in the contiguous US: How far and how deep? AGU Fall Meeting, 2022.
  • Tijerina D, Tran H, Yang C, et al. Developments in continental-scale, integrated hydrologic modeling: ParFlow-CONUS version 2.0. AGU Fall Meeting, 2022.
  • Maxwell, RM. Hydrology in the Supercomputing Age: How Computational Advances Have Revolutionized Our Field, and What Big Data and Massively Parallel Simulations Mean for the Future of Hydrologic Discovery. Stanford ESS Seminar, February 3, 2022.
  • Condon LE. Groundwater-surface water modeling at the continental: scale Scientific advances, research opportunities and the need for community infrastructure. Invited Seminar presented at: Columbia University, Civil and Environmental Engineering, January 27, 2022.
  • Steyaert J, Condon LE, Turner S, Voisin N. A Retrospective Analysis of Historical Reservoir Operations and Their Impact on the Streamflow in CONUS. Oral presented at: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting; New Orleans, LA, December 17, 2021.
  • Condon LE. Advancing continental scale data for water systems modeling. Invited Seminar presented at: Human Water Systems Webinar Series; Virtual, September 2021.
  • Condon LE. Hydrologic Modeling at the Continental Scale: Exploring the Role of Data Science in Discovery and Innovation. Invited Talk presented at: Women in Data Science Tucson; Virtual, April 2021.
  • Zhang J, Condon LE. Groundwater response to droughts under climate change in a coastal watershed. Oral presented at: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting; Online, December 2021.
  • Maxwell R.M. 2020 National Groundwater Association Henry Darcy Distinguished Lecture Series. Three lectures: “Hydrology from the Bottom Up: How Groundwater Shapes the Water Cycle”,”Hydrology in the Supercomputing Age: How Computational Advances Have Revolutionized Our Field, And What Big Data and Massively Parallel Simulations Mean for the Future of Hydrologic Discovery” and “Killer Beetles, Naked Trees, and Dirty Water: Understanding Hydrology and Water Quality Impacts from the Mountain Pine Beetle Infestation in the Rocky Mountain West” https://www.groundwater.org/lecture/darcy/darcy-past-2020s.html
  • Zhang, J., Condon, L.E., Moulton, J.D., Zhang, Y. and Bisht, G., 2020, December. Comparison between multiple physical-based hydrologic models in modeling groundwater-surface water interactions in a coastal watershed. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA and Virtual, Enlightening Poster presentation, December 2020.
  • Steyaert, J., Condon, L. E., Developing a National Framework for Historic Reservoir Operations, Poster, 2020 El Dia del Agua y del Atmosfera, Tucson, AZ, April 2020
  • Steyaert, J., Condon, L. E., Turner, S.D.,Voisin, N., A Retrospective Analysis of Reservoir Operations: What Actually Happens During a Drought?, Talk, El Dia del Agua y del Atmosfera Tucson, AZ, March 31st, 2021.
  • Steyaert, J., Condon, L. E., Turner, S.D., A Retrospective Analysis of Reservoir Operations: What Actually Happens During a Drought?, Talk American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Abstract: H155-05, San Francisco, CA and Virtual, December 2020.
  • Condon, L.E. “Groundwater-surface water interactions across the US: Evaluating the past and future role of the subsurface in hydrologic systems.” National Groundwater Association: Water, Energy, and Policy in a Changing Climate Conference, Albuquerque, NM, February 2020, Invited Keynote,
  • Condon, L.E., Steyaert, J. and Spinti, R, Evaluating Historical Impacts of Surface Reservoir Storage on Catchment Memory Across the US, European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Virtual Conference, May 2020.
  • Maxwell, R.M. Scientific discovery through computational hydrology: Elucidating connections between groundwater flow and transpiration partitioning (given at: GWI University of Saskatoon Sep 2019, Columbia University April 2019, UNR December 2018, Beijing Normal University and SusTech, Oct 2018)
  • Forrester, M.M., Maxwell, R.M., Condon, L.E. 1st place student oral presentation: Understanding total water storage anomalies across the United States with integrated hydrologic modeling and satellite estimates. MODFLOW and More: Groundwater Modeling and Beyond, Golden, CO. Oral presentation, 2019.
  • Forrester, M.M., Maxwell, R.M., Condon, L.E. Outstanding Student Poster and PICO (OSPP) Award: Understanding GRACE total water storage estimates with integrated hydrologic modeling across the continental United States. European Geophysical Union (EGU). Vienna, Austria. Poster presentation, 2019.
  • Condon, L.E., Using models to evaluate human impacts on groundwater surface water interactions, Invited Talk, Chapman Conference on the Quest for Sustainability of Heavily Stressed Aquifers at Regional to Global Scales, Valencia, Spain, October, 2019.
  • Condon, L.E., Using integrated models to evaluate the role of groundwater in watershed partitioning across the continental US. Invited Keynote, MODFLOW and More Conference, Golden, CO, June 2019.
  • Zhang, J and L.E. Condon, Evaluating the impact of topographic processing on overland flow simulations across the continental US. Poster Presentation, MODFLOW and More Conference, Golden, CO, June 2019.
  • Tran, H, Zhang, J, L.E. Condon and R.M. Maxwell Assessing the effect of lateral fluxes to flood risk in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Poster Presentation, MODFLOW and More Conference, Golden, CO, June 2019.
  • Condon, L.E., Using integrated models to evaluate the role of groundwater in watershed partitioning across the continental US. Invited Keynote, MODFLOW and More Conference, Golden, CO, June 2019
  • Condon, L.E., and R.M. Maxwell, Exploring the impacts of topographic representation on large scale hydrologic simulations: a modified algorithm for physically based modeling applications. Talk, European Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 2019.
  • Condon, LE, Atchley, AL and RM Maxwell, Evaluating Groundwater Surface Water Interactions across the continental US with an Integrated Hydrologic Model. Invited Talk, American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Phoenix AZ, January, 2019.
  • Condon, L.E., Using integrated models to assess the role of groundwater surface water interactions in watershed behavior across the US. Invited Seminar, Washington State University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, April 1, 2019.
  • Condon, L.E., Assessing Groundwater Surface Water Interactions in Managed and Natural Systems. Invited Seminar, Boise State University, Department of Geosciences, March 4, 2019.
  • Maxwell, R. M., Condon, L. E., Zhang, J., Tran, H., Forrester, M.M., Tijerina, D., Gochis, D.: PF-CONUS 2.0: Advancing continental-scale integrated hydrologic modeling over North America. European Geophysical Union (EGU. Vienna, Austria. Poster presentation, 2019
  • Zhang, J., Condon, L.E., Tran, H. and Maxwell, R.M., 2019, December. The effect of topographic processes on runoff simulation over the continental US. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2019. Oral presentation.
  • Condon, L.E., Warming versus groundwater pumping: comparing the hydrologic implications of persistent top down and bottom up trends across the US, Talk, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2019

Shared Infrastructure



  • Moulton, J. D., IDEAS-Watersheds: Accelerating watershed science through a community-driven software ecosystem, Interagency Coastal IHTM Working Group, February 16, 2021.
  • Moulton, J. D. and Coon E. T., Continuous Improvement of Software Engineering, briefing to USGS Integrated Modeling and Prediction on Research Software Engineering, February 26, 2021.
  • Moulton, J. D., A Team of Teams Approach to Sustainable Software Ecosystems, presentation in SIAM CSE21 Minisymposium: Building Sustainable Software Communities and Sustainable Software https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.14192531.v2, March 2, 2021.