The IDEAS-Watersheds project (co-)organizes a variety of workshops and trainings, and presents at events of interest to the community. Details on individual presentations at these events are included in our publications page.
How to get involved
- To join us contact David Moulton at
Upcoming Activities
AGU Annual Conference (December 9-13, 2024)
ATS and Watershed Workflow short courses coming in Spring 2025
Cyberinfrastructure Working Groups Annual Meeting April 14, 2025
EES PI Meeting April 15 - 16, 2025
Stay tuned, more to follow soon.
Current and Ongoing Activities
Best Practices Seminars
The IDEAS-Watersheds project hosts a variey of concurrent series each month. These include:
- Plenary Series featuring our Nation’s watershed science with the aim of furthering a robust, predictive understanding of how watersheds function and respond to perturbations as hydrobiogeochemical systems
- Modeling Case Studies raise awareness of the challenges and approaches to process-based modeling, sharing our experiences and stimulating new collaborations on synergistic topics across the project.
- Software Best Pactices cover topics relevant to both workflow tools and simulation codes including, version control, continuous integration and testing, parallel debugging and visualization.
- Office Hours are an informal meeting with Software Stewards to address questions about the simulation codes and workflows that are supported under IDEAS-Watersheds
Past Activities
Short Courses
- ATS Short Courses
- First ATS Short Course (virtual) September 1-2, 2021.
Course material is available from the github repository here
This repository includes all the input files and data, links to the docker images, slides, and video recordings
Co-organized with ExaSheds
Contacts: Ethan Coon and David Moulton
- First ATS Short Course (virtual) September 1-2, 2021.
- ParFlow Shortcourse Series
- ParFlow Short course at Modflow & More, June 6 -7, 2024
Course material is available online here.
Contacts: Reed Maxwell, Laura Condon- Integrated Simulation Of Watershed Systems Using ParFlow, June 6 -7, 2024
- Subsetting Using HydroFrame and Hydrodata, June 7, 2024
- Introductory course at the Colorado School of Mines in May 2020
- Advanced course at the University of Arizona in October 2019.
- ParFlow Short course at Modflow & More, June 6 -7, 2024
- PFLOTRAN Short Courses
- Led by SNL for DOE Office of Nuclear Energy
- Jun-Aug 2021 (virtual), and Jun-Jul 2022 (virtual)
Community Talks and Panels
- Participating in the Leadership Scientific Software (LSSw) Town Hall
Meetings (
- Progress, impediments, priorities and gaps in leadership scientific software, David Moulton, October 21, 2021.
- Expanding the Scope of What is Reusable, Ethan Coon, April 21, 2022.
Participated in CUAHSI 2021 Cyberseminar Series on Tools for integrating and synthesizing data from CZOs and watershed sites, and participated in panel discussion, Fall 2021.
- A Better Understanding of Water Availability in the U.S. Through Community Tools, a talk at Princeton’s High Meadows Environmental Institute,, Reed Maxwell, May 4, 2021.
Water Beneath our Feet, a talk on groundwater in University of Arizona College of Science lecture series,, Laura Condon, April 22, 2021.
Continuous Improvement of Software Engineering, briefing to USGS Integrated Modeling and Prediction on Research Software Engineering, February 26, 2021.
IDEAS-Watersheds: Accelerating watershed science through a community-driven software ecosystem, Interagency Coastal IHTM Working Group, February 16, 2021.
Darcy Lecturer, Reed Maxwell (2020): The Henry Darcy Distinguished Lecture Series in Groundwater Science chooses one outstanding groundwater professional to share their work both nationally and internationally on a year-long lecture tour. His talks highlight the CONUS model development and the challenges and opportunities of computational hydrology. This has been an amazing opportunity to highlight some of the work of the IDEAS project and to bring attention to all of the work happening at the intersection of hydrology and computer science.
- Multiscale Approaches in Reactive Transport Modeling lecture in MSA Short Course: Reactive Transport in Natural and Engineered Systems, Sergi Molins, Barcelona, Aug 17-18 2019.
Conferences, Workshops, and Meetings
Modflow & More Annual Conference (June 2024)
ESS Cyberinfrastructure Virtual Annual Meeting (April 15, 2024).
AGU Annual Conference (December 11-15, 2023)
ESS Cyberinfrastructure Virtual Annual Meeting (May 15, 2023).
Modflow & More Annual Conference (June 2022)
ESS Cyberinfrastructure Virtual Annual Meeting (May 23, 2022).
Multiscale Microbial Dynamics Modeling Summer School co-organized by EMSL and PNNL River Corridor SFA, July 6-10 2020.
ESS Cyberinfrastructure Virtual Annual Meeting (May 11, May 18, 2020).
Integrated Hydro-Terrestrial Modeling: Development of a National Capability Workshop, Hosted by NSF in Alexandria, VA, September 4-6, 2019. Workshop Report
IDEAS-Watersheds session at ModFlow & More, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, June 2019.