


IDEAS-Watersheds Plenary Series

Interoperable Design of Extreme-scale Application Software—Watersheds (IDEAS-Watersheds ) presents a virtual community series featuring our Nation’s watershed science with the aim of furthering a robust, predictive understanding of how watersheds function and respond to perturbations as hydrobiogeochemical systems


Date Presenter Title and Topic Description
October 29 Charlie Koven The ELM-FATES model: representing the roles of natural and anthropogenic disturbance in the Earth system
September 10 Scott Painter The WaDE-SFA/IDEAS-Watersheds partnership: Advancing models for dissolved oxygen dynamics in stream network
May 28 Colleen Iversen
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Integrating Boots-on-the-Ground Observations with the Virtual World of Models to Answer Big Science Questions Across the Arctic
March 12 Xingyuan Chen,
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Enabling Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling Studies from Batch to Watershed Scales
Jan 30 Adam Atchley,
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Fire. Not the disturbance you think it is. And we are not going to use your grandfather’s model to understand it.


Date Presenter Title and Topic Description
Nov 7 Chaopeng Shen,
Pennsylvania State University
Machine learning and differentiable modeling for global hydrology
Sept 26 Holly Michael,
University of Delaware
Drivers and Impacts of Marsh Migration in the Coastal Critical Zone
Aug 29 Joseph D Hughes &
James McCreight, U.S. Geological Survey
Modernization of legacy USGS surface-water and groundwater models