


IDEAS-Watersheds All Hands Fall 2024

November 14-15, 2024
Courtyard Marriott Denver Airport
Denver, Colorado
6901 Tower Road
Hotel Map

Meeting Agenda:

Day 1: Thursday November 14, 2024 8:30AM-5:00PM (MST)

Wall Clock (MT) Elapsed Time (min) Talks/Activity
8:30 30 Coffee and Continental Breakfast
9:00 10 Introductions and Project Overview
9:10 20 Icebreaker Activities
    SFA Partnership Updates
9:30 8+2 LBNL Watershed Function SFA: Sergi Molins
9:40 8+2 ORNL Watershed Dynamics and Evolution SFA: Scott Painter
9:50 8+2 PNNL River Corridor SFA: Xingyuan Chen
10:00 8+2 Shared Infrastructure: David Moulton
10:10 20 Group discussion and activities
10:30 30 Coffee Break
    Flash Talks
Early-career and mid-career staff, and postdocs present highlights of their recent work
(4 minutes for the presentation and 1 minute for questions and transition)
11:00 4+1 Zhi Li, Integrating ELM-BGC Carbon Cycling with ATS-PFLOTRAN Hydro-Biogeochemical Modeling in a Wildfire-Impacted Pacific Northwest Watershed
11:05   Andrew Graus, ATS-EcoSIM Snow Model Progress
11:10   Maria Contreras-Vargas, Why are our coastal forests dying? Explaining tree mortality using remote sensing detection and integrated hydrology simulations.
11:15   Tasneem Ahmadullah, Understanding Water Column Respiration Kinetics Using Substrate Explicit Thermodynamic Model
11:20   Jesus Gómez-Vélez, Exploring the Influence of Hyporheic Exchange on Stream Oxygen Dynamics
11:25   Saubhagya Rathore, Incorporating Water Management Infrastructure into the ATS Integrated Hydrology Model.
11:30   Daniil Svyatsky, Simulation of below ground drainage network for mitigation of urban flooding
11:35   Georgios Artavanis, ParFlow, SubsetTools, HydroData and integration with Watershed Workflow.
11:40   Erica Woodburn, Topographic controls on mountainous hydrology with ParFlow-ELM-FATES
11:45   Rich Fiorella, Toward a parallelized coupling between ATS and ELM
12:00 60 Working Lunch
    Hands-On: Adding Transport to Integrated Hydrology in ATS
Lead: Phong Le
Duration: 3 hours
1:00 120
  • Understand the basics of the transport process kernel (PK) in Amanzi-ATS;
  • Develop workflows that couple transport PK with hydrology PK;
  • Visualize and analyze Amanzi-ATS model output.
3:00 30 Coffee Break
3:30 30 Continue transport in ATS hands-on session
    Visualization Part I
4:00 60 Review Gallery Examples and Collect/rank Questions.

Day 2: Friday November 15, 2024 9:00 AM-5:00PM (MST)

Wall Clock (PT) Elapsed Time (min) Talks/Activity
8:00 30 Coffee and Continental Breakfast
    Group Discussion
8:30 30
  • Feedback on Day 1
  • What’s next, what do you need, what’s slowing you down?
    Hands-On: Mixed-Element meshes in Watershed Workflow with ATS
Lead: Saubhagya Rathore
Duration: 3 hours
9:00 90 Introduction: (10 minutes)
  • Outline of the workshop
  • Overview of the meshing workflow
Module 1: Exploring Key Conceptual Objects: (20 minutes)
  • Dive into WW components like RiverTree and SplitHucs critical to mixed-polyhedral meshing, understanding their roles in meshing.
  • Understand basics of manipulating WW objects.
Module 2: Simplify and Redensify (30 minutes)
  • Explore different simplify and redensify methods including variable quad lengths.
  • Manipulate reaches to identify and resolve data inconsistencies and errors like dual intersection problem
Module 3: Mesh Generation (30 minutes)
  • Leverage various refinement methods and constraints during triangulation to generate a high-quality mesh.
  • Provide river widths using multiple methods.
  • Meshing troubleshooting
10:30 30 Coffee Break
11:00 90 Continue mixed-element meshes

Module 4: Labeled Sets(10 minutes)
  • Define labeled sets in the river mesh at different levels of granularity (e.g., stream network, stream order, individual reaches).
Module 5: Hydrologic Conditioning (20 minutes)
  • Condition the river mesh using different methods.
  • Provide supplemental depth to the stream mesh.
Module 6: Office Hours (1 hour)
  • Attendees work on their watersheds and troubleshoot issues with the help of the facilitators and fellow attendees.
  • Discussions and feedback on the workshop.
12:30 30 Working Lunch
    Evaluators in ATS
Lead: Ethan Coon
1:00 60 An overview of evaluator design and their use in observations and visualization. Examples of existing evaluators (e.g., depth to water table), and creating a custom evaluator.
    Visualization Part 2
2:00 60 Group discussion and followup on key challenges and what next?
3:00 30 Coffee Break
3:30 60 Optional Informal Breakout discussions, topics could include building ATS with custom TPLs (e.g., PFLOTRAN), spatially dependent …