


Advanced Terrestrial Simulator

Advanced Terrestrial Simulator (ATS)

A code for solving ecosystem-based, integrated, distributed hydrology. It builds on the multi-physics framework and toolsets (mesh infrastructure, discretizations, solvers) provided by Amanzi and is a key driver of development of the flexible multiphysics framework Acros. Capabilities are largely based on solving various forms of Richards equation coupled to a surface flow equation, along with the needed sources and sinks for ecosystem and climate models. This can (but need not) include thermal processes (especially ice for frozen soils), evapo-transpiration, albedo-driven surface energy balances, snow, biogeochemistry, plant dynamics, deformation, transport, and much more. It is unique in its thermal integrated hydrology capabilities, which includes thermal energy with freeze/thaw processes in both the surface and subsurface water, and its reactive transport capabilities, which are also coupled in both surface and subsurface water. ATS is jointly developed by LANL, LBNL, and ORNL as an open source project under the three-clause BSD license.

Contact: Ethan Coon (coonet@ornl.gov), ORNL
DOI: https://doi.org/10.11578/dc.20190911.1

Website: https://amanzi.github.io
Documentation: https://amanzi.github.io/ats
Repository: https://github.com/amanzi/ats